Monday, May 25, 2009

So Hard On ourselves

We are so eager as humans to find someone to love. We seek out friends, romantic partners, and crave family. We also tend to be very understanding of their mistakes. We bail our friends out of whatever trouble they find and say "what are friends for?". We'll tolerate short comings in our romantic partners, And the things we let our family members get away with are just extraordinary. However for some reason we can't manage to forgive ourselves for anything.

I am doing everything in my power to start forgiving myself for things. Especially the things I did to myself. I think to me, logically it should be easy to forgive myself because the only person I have to consult is me. It should be easy to love myself too, but for some reason it's not. I'm very hard on myself. Lots of people are hard on themselves. Why? What is accomplished by self loathing?

Nothing, nothing at all is accomplished by disliking yourself. Nothing save self destruction. So why do we do it? It's so illogical. At what point do we confuse taking responsibility for our mistakes with self punishment?

"No one can make you feel inferior without your permission." -Eleanor Roosevelt. This is such a true statement and one of the more recognizable quotes of our culture. I'm making a pact with myself today not to give anyone, not even myself the permission to make me feel inferior. So there!

1 comment:

  1. These are very good points miss Mailie... but do you think it's society's doing because we are all supposed to fit inside of this crazy mold "they" have set up for us OR do you think it's pre determined in our DNA?

    Miss ya!
