Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Instructions for Recovery From Emotional Trama

Lesson 1

You will need:
-Wine (or other soothing beverage of your choosing)
-Crayons (preferably a new large box with the sharpener in the back)
-Coloring Books and or Blank Paper (start with pretty soothing color books it takes the pressure off)
-Chocolate (white chocolate is NOT chocolate, any others will do)
-Inspiring Movies (Mr. Magoriums Wonder Emporium, Penelope, Harold and Maude, Pippi Long stocking, to name a few)

You may apply all these tools at once for greatest effect or one at a time as your schedule allows. Happy Healing!


  1. Oooh! Oooh!! Oooh! (I thought of one :D)

    -Friends who don't judge you when you make a mistake.
    -The ability to forgive yourself
